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Egypt Visa Application Form Pakistan

Egypt Visa Application Form Pakistan by Yugo.pk: Requirements and Application Process

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If you're a Pakistani citizen planning to visit the captivating land of Egypt, you'll need to obtain a visa before your trip. Yugo.pk, a trusted platform for travel visas from Pakistan, simplifies the Egypt visa application process. In this guide, we'll walk you through the Egypt visa requirements for Pakistanis, the entry requirements, and the necessary documents for the Egypt visa application form in Pakistan.

Egypt Visa Requirements for Pakistanis:

Before applying for an Egypt visa as a Pakistani citizen, it's essential to understand the requirements. The following are the general requirements:

  1. Visa Application Form: You'll need to fill out the Egypt visa application form accurately. Yugo.pk offers a user-friendly online platform for this purpose.
  2. Passport: Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your planned entry date to Egypt.
  3. Passport Photos: Typically, two recent passport-sized photos are required. These should meet the Egyptian visa photo specifications.
  4. Flight Itinerary: Provide a copy of your round-trip flight reservation or itinerary.
  5. Hotel Reservations: Proof of your accommodation in Egypt, such as hotel reservations, is mandatory.
  6. Financial Proof: You must demonstrate your ability to cover your expenses during your stay in Egypt. Bank statements, pay stubs, or an affidavit of support from a sponsor can serve as financial proof.
  7. Travel Insurance: A travel insurance policy covering medical expenses and repatriation is advisable.
  8. Letter of Invitation (if applicable): If you're visiting friends or family in Egypt, you may need an invitation letter from your host.
  9. Employment Letter: If you're employed, provide a letter from your employer stating your job position, salary, and leave approval.
  10. Purpose of Visit: Clearly state the purpose of your visit, whether it's tourism, business, or family visit.

Egypt Visa Entry Requirements for Pakistanis:

Apart from the document requirements, Pakistani travelers should be aware of entry requirements for Egypt:

  1. Visa Approval: Having a visa doesn't guarantee entry into Egypt. Entry is subject to approval by Egyptian immigration authorities.
  2. Duration of Stay: Most tourist visas allow a stay of up to 30 days. Ensure you don't overstay your visa to avoid penalties.
  3. Security and Health Checks: Passengers may be subject to security and health screenings upon arrival.
  4. Yellow Fever Vaccination: If you're arriving from a country with a risk of yellow fever transmission, a yellow fever vaccination certificate may be required.

Applying for Egypt Visa Application Form Pakistan via Yugo.pk:

Yugo.pk is a reputable platform specializing in visa services for Pakistani travelers. Here's how to apply for an Egypt visa through Yugo.pk:

  1. Visit the Yugo.pk website (www.yugo.pk).
  2. Select "Egypt" as your destination country and follow the instructions to complete the online visa application form.
  3. Upload the required documents, including your passport, photos, flight itinerary, and hotel reservations.
  4. Pay the visa processing fee securely through Yugo.pk's payment gateway.
  5. Yugo.pk's visa experts will review your application, and once approved, they will provide you with the visa within the specified processing time.


Planning your trip to Egypt as a Pakistani citizen is made more accessible with Yugo.pk's hassle-free visa application process. By ensuring you meet Egypt's visa requirements and understanding the entry regulations, you can look forward to a memorable journey to this ancient and enchanting land. Trust Yugo.pk for a seamless Egypt visa application experience.

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