pinaksh chopra
pinaksh chopra
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A Guide to Baby Safety

Your child takes time to grow and develop. At first, they start gurgling before blurting out words. Steadily, you see them trying to move their hands and feet simultaneously, requiring parental support for every step. Once they notice such developments, many parents invest in baby gears, such as walkers, prams, strollers, carriers, etc.

The best time to use a baby walker is around six months when they can sit up independently and hold their head up. It is important to note that every infant develops at their own pace. Some may not be ready for a walker until they are closer to eight or nine months old. Consider some other tips to keep your kid away from harm:

Car safety for infants

Always use a federally approved and tested car safety seat when travelling in a motor vehicle. Carefully read safety seat instructions to ensure proper installation. Let the car seat face the vehicle’s rear for the initial two years. Place it in the middle of the back seat for utmost safety.

Preventing baby falls

If you use a baby carrier, always place it on the floor and never on a counter or tabletop. Make sure the baby remains strapped in. Never leave the child unattended and alone on a couch, bed, changing table, or infant seat from which they can roll or fall off. Even if you look away for a second, an accident can happen.

Outdoor safety

Cover areas under and around backyard play sets with shock-absorbing material like sand, rubber, or mulch. You can also install a baby swing with a stand and supervise your kids while they play. However, ensure they do not get entangled in the strings and have buckles to prevent falling. It also features a higher back for younger babies’ support.

Baby travel safety

Whether you are travelling near or far, it is always advisable to take your baby along. You must buy infant travel accessories from a reputed baby shop or online. Some important accessories to include in your baby travel kit include a carrier, swaddle blankets, travel bed, stroller cover, diaper change pad, thermometer, and other essentials like sleep sacks.

Preventing baby accidents

When you have an infant at home, always keep sharp objects out of their reach. Whether you use scissors, knives, coins, glass, pins, or medication, store them in a secure place like a locked drawer or at a height. Attach your furniture to the wall so the pieces do not fall over the child. Avoid storing electronics on top of higher dressers or tables that may topple and get damaged.

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pinaksh chopra