lu yunpeng
lu yunpeng
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A Comparative Overview of Xinyang Maojian Tea and Mengding Ganlu Tea

China’s rich tea culture boasts a variety of green teas, each known for its distinctive characteristics, history, and production methods. Two of the most famous green teas from China are Xinyang Maojian and Mengding Ganlu. These teas offer unique flavour profiles and are deeply connected to their regional origins. In this article, we will explore the differences and similarities between these two renowned teas, focusing on their production methods, appearance, aroma, flavour, and cultural significance.

Xinyang Maojian Tea

Xinyang Maojian is one of China’s most well-known green teas, coming from Xinyang in Henan Province. Its name, "Maojian," translates to "fur tips," referring to the fine white hairs on the tender tea leaves, which are a mark of the tea's high quality.

Origin and Production:

  • Origin: Xinyang Maojian is grown in the misty mountains around Xinyang, where the cool, humid climate is ideal for growing premium-quality green tea. The area’s natural conditions contribute to the tea’s unique flavour and appearance.
  • Production: Xinyang Maojian tea leaves are harvested in early spring, when the buds and young leaves are tender and full of nutrients. After harvesting, the leaves are pan-fried to halt oxidation, rolled to give them their distinct shape, and dried to preserve their freshness. The pan-frying technique preserves the bright green colour and enhances the tea’s rich, vegetal flavour.


  • Appearance: Xinyang Maojian tea leaves are slender, needle-like, and dark green, with a fine layer of white hairs that give them a slightly glossy appearance. The tightly twisted shape is a signature feature of this tea.
  • Aroma: The tea has a fresh, grassy aroma with subtle floral notes and a nutty undertone, often reminiscent of roasted chestnuts. The fragrance is crisp and clean, reflecting the high mountain environment where the tea is grown.
  • Taste: Xinyang Maojian is known for its brisk, slightly astringent flavour, balanced by a sweet aftertaste. The tea has a rich, full-bodied character with a pronounced vegetal note, making it a refreshing choice for green tea lovers who appreciate a stronger brew.
  • Brewing: For the best results, brew Xinyang Maojian with water at 75-80°C and steep for 1-2 minutes. The tea can be infused multiple times, with each infusion bringing out different layers of flavour.

Cultural Significance: Xinyang Maojian is considered one of China’s top ten famous teas. Its strong flavour and rich history make it a favourite among tea connoisseurs, and it is often served during traditional Chinese festivals and celebrations. The tea is associated with intellectual and scholarly circles in Chinese history, reflecting its esteemed status.

Mengding Ganlu Tea

Mengding Ganlu, meaning "Sweet Dew of Mengding," is a highly prized green tea from Sichuan Province. This tea has a long history, dating back over 2,000 years, and is renowned for its delicate sweetness and connection to ancient Chinese tea culture.

Origin and Production:

  • Origin: Mengding Ganlu is grown on the slopes of Mengding Mountain in Sichuan Province. The misty, high-altitude environment provides the perfect conditions for cultivating this delicate tea. The mountain’s cool temperatures and fertile soil contribute to the tea’s sweet, mellow flavour.
  • Production: Mengding Ganlu is harvested in early spring, using only the youngest buds. The leaves are steamed rather than pan-fried, a process that helps preserve the tea’s fresh green colour and delicate aroma. After steaming, the leaves are lightly rolled and dried to create the final product.


  • Appearance: Mengding Ganlu tea leaves are small and tender, often resembling tiny buds. They are a vibrant green and are lightly curled, reflecting their careful handling during production.
  • Aroma: The aroma of Mengding Ganlu is light and floral, with a subtle sweetness. The fragrance is fresh and delicate, with hints of spring flowers and green grass.
  • Taste: Mengding Ganlu is known for its sweet, mellow flavour. The tea has a smooth, silky texture with notes of honey and flowers, and it lacks the astringency often found in other green teas. This makes it a gentle and soothing tea, ideal for those who prefer a milder brew.
  • Brewing: Brew Mengding Ganlu with water at around 70-75°C and steep for 1-2 minutes. The tea can be infused multiple times, with each infusion offering a slightly different balance of sweet and floral flavours.

Cultural Significance: Mengding Ganlu has been an integral part of Chinese tea culture for over two millennia. It is often associated with Buddhist monasteries and was once a tribute tea offered to the emperor. Its spiritual and historical connections make it a highly revered tea in China, often enjoyed during moments of quiet reflection or meditation.

Comparing Xinyang Maojian and Mengding Ganlu

Though both Xinyang Maojian and Mengding Ganlu are green teas, they offer very different flavour profiles and sensory experiences.

  • Flavour: Xinyang Maojian is more robust, with a bold, grassy taste and a slight astringency. Its brisk flavour is ideal for those who enjoy a stronger green tea. In contrast, Mengding Ganlu is sweeter and smoother, with a honey-like finish and no noticeable bitterness.
  • Aroma: Xinyang Maojian has a fresh, vegetal aroma with hints of roasted chestnuts, while Mengding Ganlu’s fragrance is lighter and more floral, with a soft, sweet undertone.
  • Appearance: Xinyang Maojian leaves are long and needle-like, with a darker green colour, while Mengding Ganlu’s leaves are smaller and more delicate, with a brighter, lighter green hue.
  • Cultural Associations: Both teas hold significant cultural value. Xinyang Maojian is celebrated as a symbol of Chinese intellectual and scholarly tradition, while Mengding Ganlu is revered for its spiritual connections and long history as a tribute tea.


Xinyang Maojian and Mengding Ganlu are two exceptional examples of Chinese green tea, each offering a unique experience. Xinyang Maojian stands out for its bold, rich flavour and crisp aroma, making it a favourite for those who enjoy a more robust tea. On the other hand, Mengding Ganlu’s sweet, delicate taste and gentle floral notes make it a perfect choice for those who prefer a milder, more soothing tea.

Whether you are seeking a tea with strong, invigorating notes or a calming, sweet brew, both Xinyang Maojian and Mengding Ganlu offer something special. Each tea reflects the regional traditions and careful craftsmanship of its production, providing a glimpse into China’s rich tea heritage.

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lu yunpeng