Leah Hobbs
Which 9 Risks Live Event Production Can Face in Any Event?
Thinking about risks might seem like negative thinking but actually, it is not. Because risks are associated with everything and planning about risks is rational thinking, not negative thinking. Assuming that everything is going to be fine without any risk is not a sign of a professional event producer. He should adopt a proactive approach because risks can only mitigate you can’t diminish them.
When you go for Live Event Production despite your wish that everything will go smoothly, things never happen as you desire. It is important to know the risks, plan according to them, and prepare yourself that you have to deal with it once. Having only an insurance policy for your event is not going to work at all. If you consider getting help from a risk consultant is far more worthy than just considering an insurance policy.
Based on his advice choose a swell suited insurance policy for your event. But there are certain risks that almost every event has to face initially. If you successfully identify them do think about the impact they can have on your event. If something happens how severe it can be for your event. This will help you in prioritizing the most critical risks and you can start planning about them with your crew how can you mitigate them?
Top Risks Associated with Every Event:
1. Risks associated with production equipment:
Without concerning the type of the event almost every event need production equipment. The risks associated with production equipment can be the risk associated with its installation, packaging of equipment, any safety concerns during the transportation of equipment, and the effect of weather. Instead of catering for that risk on your ask help from equipment suppliers, their expertise will help you in mitigating the risk.
2. Is your audience management process being right?
A huge crowd builds an atmosphere for your event but their mismanagement can cause a huge risk to your event and obviously, you don’t want it to happen. You need to manage the crowd not only in the venue but also when they leave or enter the venue.
Consider Few Things to Mitigate Risk Associated with Crowd:
Have you made a proper arrangement of clearing the crowd from the venue?
3. Do you have made arrangements for disable?
Is there any area in the venue where there are chances of pushing crowd each other? If there any then have you got enough support to avoid it?
4. Risks associated with the presence of children:
It might seem like a niche project or event production but if you are arranging any event in which children are involved. The most important kind of risk is the misplacing of any kid from the event. To cover this risk, arrange a play area for kids. Appoint the most faithful staff of your agency at the kids' play area. Keep their complete record with you to make sure that they won’t harm any kid.
5. Transport management:
It is associated with the outside part of the venue. Appoint staff at the road to manage the incoming of cars to reduce the traffic blockage on the road. Make necessary parking arrangements and a safe pedestrian area for a crowd.
Make a proper plan for it with your team to avoid any kind of inconvenience at the time of the live event. This will give you internal satisfaction that you haven’t left anything unaddressed.
6. Safety of your staff and volunteers:
Volunteers are the individuals who work for event production agencies for the experience. Security of your crowd is important but the security of your crew members is also important. Before assigning any role to them it is important to analyze which risks are associated with these roles.
Sit with your team and think about all scenarios which they can face. In that way, you would be able to provide proper training and directions to your staff. As a result, there will be no such issues and if any issue occurs your team will be well aware of what they have to do.
7. Is medical assistance available at the venue?
When you arrange an event there might be a chance any crowd or crew member experience injury. It is also possible that someone is already ill and his condition suddenly went serious. Make sure that you have first aid, medical staff and also have information about nearby hospitals.
Include this information in your briefing which you will give to your staff while assigning duties to them. Because of knowing about it prior they can immediately react if any emergency occurs.
8. Is your event being capable of handling unpredictable weather?
As we all know that weather is unpredictable and we can’t do anything about it because the weather is something which is out of our control. But still assessing risks is in your power to analyze different scenarios and plan according to it to at least reduce the impact of risk. The sudden impact of weather on your event will only create panic for you.
9. Have You Planned for Fire Control?
Fire is something about which no one wants to think that it will happen in his event. Have you ever thought about what fire can do with your event? I am almost sure that you haven’t. Make sure that you have analyzed the potential hazards of your event. Ensure the placement of fire extinguishers throughout your venue.
When we experience any event, we can’t imagine how difficult Live Event Production is? Event producers have to put in a lot of hard work to make any event successful. We should show some guts to appreciate the efforts of event producers which they have put in with their team.
Due to multiple risks associated with it, event production is not an easy task. Ems-Events has a team for event production which analyze each risk associated with your event. Risks are a part of life bravery is in facing them not in avoiding them.