Justin Smith
Justin Smith
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Understanding The Venmo Weekly Sending Limit: A Comprehensive Guide

Venmo has become a popular choice for sending and receiving money quickly and conveniently. Whether you are paying your share of a dinner bill, sending a gift, or covering rent, Venmo offers an easy-to-use platform. However, there are certain limitations in place, including the Venmo Weekly Sending Limit, that users need to be aware of to ensure smooth transactions. In this blog, we will dive deep into the Venmo Weekly Sending Limit, explaining what it is, how it works, and how you can manage it effectively.

What is the Venmo Weekly Sending Limit?

The Venmo Weekly Sending Limit is the maximum amount of money you can send from your Venmo account within a seven-day period. This limit is imposed by Venmo to ensure the security of transactions and to comply with financial regulations. It is important for users to understand this limit to avoid any disruptions in their transactions.

Current Venmo Weekly Sending Limit

As of now, Venmo has set the weekly sending limit at $4,999.99 for verified accounts. This includes payments to other users, payments to merchants, and any other transfers made using Venmo. For unverified accounts, the limit is significantly lower, capped at $299.99 per week. Verification involves providing personal information and confirming your identity, which can be done through the Venmo app.

How to Check Your Venmo Weekly Sending Limit

To check your current sending limit and the amount you've already used, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Venmo App: Launch the Venmo app on your smartphone.
  2. Go to the Menu: Tap the three horizontal lines in the upper-left corner to open the menu.
  3. Settings: Select "Settings" from the menu options.
  4. Payment Limits: Tap on "Payment Limits" to see your current limits and how much of your limit you have already used.

How to Increase Your Venmo Weekly Sending Limit

If you have an unverified account, you can increase your Venmo Weekly Sending Limit by completing the verification process. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open the Venmo App: Make sure you are logged into your account.
  2. Go to Settings: Access the menu and tap on "Settings."
  3. Identity Verification: Select "Identity Verification" and follow the prompts to provide the required information.
  4. Submit Documents: You may need to submit documents such as your driver’s license or passport for verification.
  5. Wait for Approval: Venmo will review the information and notify you once your account is verified.

Once verified, your Venmo Weekly Limit will be increased to $4,999.99.

Managing Your Venmo Weekly Sending Limit

Here are some tips to effectively manage your Venmo Weekly Sending Limit:

1. Plan Your Transactions

To avoid hitting the limit unexpectedly, plan your transactions throughout the week. If you know you have a large payment coming up, try to spread out your other payments.

2. Keep Track of Your Spending

Regularly check your spending to stay aware of how much of your limit you have used. This will help you manage your funds better and prevent any surprises.

3. Verify Your Account

If you haven't done so already, verify your account to enjoy a higher sending limit. This can provide more flexibility and convenience.

4. Use Alternative Payment Methods

If you are approaching your limit and need to make additional payments, consider using other payment methods such as bank transfers, checks, or other money transfer apps.


1. What happens if I exceed my Venmo Weekly Sending Limit?

If you exceed your Venmo Weekly Sending Limit, you will not be able to send any more money until the seven-day period resets. You can still receive money, but sending will be restricted.

2. Does the limit reset at the start of the week?

The Venmo limit does not reset on a specific day of the week. Instead, it is a rolling limit based on your transaction history over the past seven days.

3. Can I request a higher limit from Venmo?

Currently, Venmo does not offer the option to request a higher limit beyond the verified account maximum. Staying within the given limit is necessary to comply with Venmo’s policies.

4. Are there different limits for business accounts?

Yes, business accounts on Venmo have different limits. Business profiles are subject to separate review and have their own set of transaction limits.

5. Is there a limit on how much I can receive on Venmo?

While there are Venmo sending limits, Venmo does not impose strict receiving limits. However, large incoming payments may be subject to review and verification.

6. How long does the verification process take?

The verification process usually takes a few days. Ensure you provide accurate and complete information to avoid delays.


Understanding and managing the Venmo Weekly Sending Limit is crucial for smooth and hassle-free transactions. By staying informed about your limits, verifying your account, and planning your payments, you can make the most out of Venmo's services. Always keep an eye on your spending to ensure you remain within the limits and enjoy seamless financial transactions.

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Justin Smith