Кирилл Харитонов
Кирилл Харитонов
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Of man of the future! Who is able to describe him? ― Какой он — может ли кто его описать?

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The world-famous author Jack London is surrounded by translations of his books. London was the first American author to earn $1 million. The Huntington Library, Art Collections

by Jack London Джек Лондон

Of man of the future! Who is able to describe him?
Perhaps he breaks our globe into fragments
In a time of warlike games.
Perhaps he hurls death through the firmament.
Man of the future! He is able to aim the stars,
To harness the comets,
And to travel in space among the planets.

First published in Komsomol Pravda, September 20, 1959, in Russian; reprinted from Jack London and the Klondike, by Franklin Walker (originally published 1966).


Какой он — может ли кто его описать?
Шар Земной он расколет на части —
В азарте невиданных войн? Прогонит ли Смерть восвояси?
А может быть, к звёздам махнёт,
Правя упряжкой комет —
В межпланетных просторах Вселенной?

Перевод с английского: Мария Лукашкина

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