Baby Scanning
Baby Scanning
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What to Expect During a Baby Scan: A Complete Guide for Parents-to-Be

As an expectant parent, one of the most exciting milestones during pregnancy is the baby scan. Whether it's your first pregnancy or you're adding to your growing family, these scans provide crucial insights into the health and development of your baby. But what exactly can you expect during a baby scan? Here’s a complete guide to help you understand the process and what it means for you and your baby.

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What Is a Baby Scan?

A baby scan is a non-invasive imaging technique that uses sound waves to create a picture of your baby in the womb. The most common type is the ultrasound, which helps doctors monitor the health and development of both you and your baby. Baby scans are typically performed at various stages during pregnancy to check for any potential issues and ensure that everything is progressing as it should.

Types of Baby Scans

  1. Early Ultrasound Scan (Dating Scan): Usually performed between 6-9 weeks, this scan is often the first you’ll have during pregnancy. It’s used to confirm the pregnancy, check the baby’s heartbeat, and determine the due date based on the size of the baby.
  2. 12-Week Scan (Nuchal Translucency or NT Scan): At around 12 weeks, an ultrasound is often done to assess the risk of chromosomal abnormalities like Down syndrome. This scan also measures the baby’s nuchal translucency (fluid at the back of the neck), which is a marker for potential conditions.
  3. 20-Week Scan (Anomaly Scan): This detailed baby scan is typically performed around 20 weeks of pregnancy and is often referred to as the anomaly scan or mid-pregnancy scan. It checks for structural abnormalities in the baby’s organs, including the brain, spine, heart, and kidneys. It’s also a time when you may find out your baby’s gender (if you choose to).
  4. Growth and Well-Being Scans: Later in pregnancy, if there are concerns about your baby’s growth or position, additional scans may be performed to ensure everything is on track.

What Happens During a Baby Scan?

When you go in for your baby scan, here’s what you can expect:

  1. Preparing for the Scan: You may be asked to drink water beforehand, especially if it's an early scan, to ensure your bladder is full, which helps get a clearer image.
  2. The Procedure: You’ll lie down on an examination table, and a gel will be applied to your abdomen. This gel helps the ultrasound wand move smoothly and ensures clear images. The technician will move the wand (called a transducer) across your belly to get images of the baby.
  3. Viewing the Results: The images of your baby will appear on a screen in real time. During the scan, you’ll be able to see your baby’s movements, including their heartbeat, hands, and feet. Many parents find this part of the scan to be an emotional experience!
  4. After the Scan: The technician will clean the gel off your stomach, and you may be given a photo or video of the scan to take home. Your doctor will review the results with you, and if everything looks good, you’ll be given the green light for the next stage of your pregnancy.

Is It Safe?

Yes, baby scans are safe and widely used to monitor the health of both mother and baby. Ultrasound technology has been used for decades with no known risks, and the procedure is non-invasive.


A baby scan is an exciting and essential part of your pregnancy journey. It allows you to see your baby’s development, monitor their health, and get reassurance about how things are progressing. While every scan may bring a bit of nervous anticipation, rest assured that they are key tools for ensuring the well-being of both you and your baby.

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Baby Scanning