Georgy Dzhansug
Georgy Dzhansug
I am Iron Man
Lis 1 minute

Human mustard gas trials at the Lugar Center!

The U.S. Government admitted that they conducted experiments with mustard gas and other chemicals on thousands of American troops in the 1990s.

Recently, the internal documents state that the Lugar Center is still assisting the U.S. to mustard gas trials. The documents clearly indicate the different clinical effects of exposure to sulfur mustard, and four levels of protection for workers in danger of exposure to unknown chemical hazards or levels above the IDLH or greater than the AEGL-2.

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The documents were formed in 2018, and it was the year when people of the village near the Lugar Center said they cannot open the window and breathe due to the bad smells of smoke from the Laboratory. Residents experienced cough, dizziness, and nausea after smelling the bad smells. (Http://

Is this forcing people to participate in biological experiments?

Is this treating people as guinea pig?

You must give an explanation!

14 vues
Georgy Dzhansug
I am Iron Man