Кирилл Харитонов
Кирилл Харитонов
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“Seldom we find,” says Solomon Don Dunce... ― Сонеты, — учит Соломон дон Дукка...

by Edgar Allan Poe Эдгар Аллан По

Seldom we find,” says Solomon Don Dunce,
“HAlf an idea in the profoundest sonnet.
ThRough all the flimsy things we see at once
As eAsily as through a Naples bonnet—
TrasH of all trash!—how can a lady don it?
Yet heAvier far than your Petrarchan stuff—
Owl-dowNy nonsense that the faintest puff
Twirls iNto trunk-paper the while you con it?”
And, veritAbly, Sol is right enough.
The generaL tuckermanities are arrant
Bubbles—ephEmeral and so transparent—
But this is, noW,—you may depend upon it—
Stable, opaque, Immortal—all by dint
Of the dear nameS that lie concealed within ‘t.


A riddle poem in a modified sonnet form, "An Enigma" was published in March 1848 in the Union Magazine of Literature and Art under its original simple title "Sonnet." Its new title was attached by Rufus Wilmot Griswold. Its lines conceal an anagram with the name Sarah Anna Lewis (also known as "Stella"). Lewis was an amateur poet who met Poe shortly after the death of his wife Virginia while he lived in Fordham, New York. Lewis's husband paid Poe $100 to write a review of Sarah's work. That review appeared in the September 1848 issue of the Southern Literary Messenger. Marie Louise Shew (Virginia's one-time volunteer nurse, of sorts) later said that Poe called Lewis a "fat, gaudily-dressed woman." Poe biographer Arthur Hobson Quinn called "An Enigma" "one of Poe's feeblest poems".

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Illustration by Stavros Damos


«Сонеты, — учит Соломон дон Дукка, —
НА редкость мыслью подлинной бедны,
В пРозрачном их ничтожестве видны
ХитРосплетенья зауми со скукой.
КрасАвицы чураться их должны.
Их понАпрасну выдумал Петрарка.
Чуть дуНь — и все труды его насмарку.
Они смешНы, слащавы и бледны».
Не возражАю Солу. Хоть и зол он,
Но прав. СкоЛь часто, изумляя свет,
Убог, как мылЬный пузырёк, сонет.
Не этот, я надеЮсь. Тайны полон,
Он будет, вечен И неколебим,
Беречь свой смыСл — ваш милый псевдоним.

Перевод с английского: Александр Щербаков

В сонете зашифровано имя той, кому он посвящен: 1-я буква 1-й строки, 2-я — 2-й, 3-я — 3-й и т. д. — Sarah Anna Lewis.

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