Бизнесолог businessologru
Бизнесолог businessologru
Тонкости ведения бизнеса в России #БизнесБезMBA
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What’s business in Russia like?

It’s extremely hard to answer. So many spheres, approaches and processes. There are examples of starting a big business having just enthusiasm, no job experience and less than $1000. Also there are examples of inheriting businesses, stories of raider seizure, even making business by chance.

Entrepreneurs don’t have a vivid position concerning our state and its support. Some of them are very glad to start or improve their business with grants given with the special programs. Some businessmen vice versa: claim that our state with its tax policy and controlling business doesn’t let the business breathe. So business in Russia is an extremely interesting object to discover.

There are a lot of problems in russian business sphere. For many ordinary people entrepreneurs are associated with something bad: dishonesty, greed, making money on workers’ hard jobs. Besides, laws change too quickly and businessmen have to adapt all the processes being scared of getting a fine or an extra-control from the Federal tax-office. To find a good worker is also a great problem because of a low-educated mass of people.

Nevertheless there are positive moments. With some delay, Russia started paying attention to ecological problems like Europe. A lot of enterprising processes are being changed right now. Also our government gave some preferences to businesses who want to sell their products around the world.

"Businessolog" is not a commercial web-resource. This word can be translated as “a person who studies business, like a scientist”. And we don’t prefer discussing politics if it doesn’t touch upon business.

We want our readers to learn true stories about people like them. Who inspired their business from hobbies, strange life circumstances or just being unemployed. Their businesses are extremely important for recovering our economics where the non-oil segment is fragile. We admire the heroes of our articles and wish a lot of people learnt that business is not a kind of magic that is for the chosen ones.

We also offer articles with theory and practice that can help solve real problems in business. And we try to keep our readers in touch with the latest news with our analytical commentaries showing not “what it is” but “what it means” for business.

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Бизнесолог businessologru
Тонкости ведения бизнеса в России #БизнесБезMBA