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How to convert 100g to cups for cooking dishes?

Knowing how to convert 100g to cups is very important and necessary for cooking purposes. It will help you out in measuring the quantities of ingredients in a better way. Measuring the ingredients in the kitchen by their weight and density helps and makes sure that the amounts of ingredients are correct.

Converting the measurements of 100g to cups becomes even more important in baking cakes or baking other dishes. However, measuring the amounts for any dish requires a proper density. And every ingredient has its own density.

Therefore, we have added the standard format for the ingredients. You can refer them for your help.

Converting 100g to cups for different types of flour

  • All purpose flour is 0.8 cups
  • 00 flour is 0.79 cups
  • Almond flour is 1.04 cups
  • Bread flour is 0.79 cups

Converting 100 grams of water to cups

  • 100 grams of water is 2 by 5 cups
  • 100 grams of water is 3 * 1 by 2 cups

Converting 100 grams of sugar to cups

  • Brown sugar is 0.5 cups
  • Caster sugar is 0.44 cups
  • Granulated sugar is 0.5 cups

Converting 100g to cups of sweeteners

  • Golden syrup is 0.3 cups
  • Honey is 0.29 cups
  • Light corn syrup is 0.31 cups

Converting 100 grams of oil/ butter to cups

  • Avocado oil is 0.47 cups
  • Butter is 0.44 cups
  • Coconut oil is 0.46 cups

Converting 100 grams to cups in milk

  • Buttermilk is 0.41 cups
  • Condensed milk is 0.33 cups
  • Sweetened is 0.33 cups

Converting 100 grams to cups in nuts and seeds

  • Almonds is 0.7 cups
  • Brazil nuts is 0.75 cups
  • Cashew nuts is 0.7 cups

Here are some detailed conversion of the ingredients from 100g to cups:

  • Water with a density of 1000 is 236.59 grams and 0.42 cups
  • Flour with a density of 600 is 141.6 grams and 0.71 cups
  • Milk with a density of 1030 is 243.08 grams and 0.41 cups
  • Sugar with a density of 845 is 199.42 grams and 0.5 cups
  • Salt with a density of 1217 is 287.2 grams and 0.35 cups
  • Honey with a density of 1420 is 335.12 grams and 0.3 cups
  • Butter with a density of 911 is 215,00 grams and 0.47 cups
  • Olive oil with a density of 918 is 216.65 grams and 0.46 cups
  • Rice (raw) with a density of 850 is 200.6 grams and 0.5 cups
  • Oats with a density of 410 is 96.76 grams and 1.03 cups
  • Jam with a density of 1330 is 313.88 grams and 0.32 cups
  • Nutella with a density of 1260 is 297.36 grams and 0.34 cups
  • Maple syrup with a density of 1320 is 311.52 grams and 0.32 cups
  • Cream, 38% fat with a density of 984 is 232.22 grams and 0.43 cups
  • Cream, 13% fat with a density of 1013 is 239.07 grams and 0.42 cups
  • Powder sugar with a density of 560 is 132.16 grams and 0.76 cups
  • Flaked almonds with a density of 430 is 101.48 grams and 0.99 cups
  • Cacao with a density of 520 is 122.72 grams and 0.82 cups
  • Corn starch with a density of 520 is 153.4 grams and 0.65 cups
  • Rye flour with a density of 520 is 158.12 grams and 0.63 cups
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