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Best natural tulsi with power boost your energy

India is known for herbs and spices with potent medicinal as well as healing properties, one such miraculous herb that has been quite an essential element of traditional remedies is Tulsi. It’s recommended as first aid in the treatment of respiratory, digestive, and skin diseases. Apart from these common ailments, Ayurveda also recognizes its use for diseases ranging up to tumor growths. It's scientifically called Ursolic Acid, and in the vedic bhagavata purana, it’s referred to as ‘Queen of Herbs’. Interestingly, Tulsi needs no introduction, from being an inseparable part of the religious legacy to a potent medicinal herb.

In the current scenario, our bodies are prone to various health risks such as obesity, cancer, and diabetes, but on the same side, we are blessed to have this humble, inexpensive and magical herb incorporated with enormous healing power. For thousands of decades, Tulsi has been used to cope up with physical, emotional, and environmental stress. With properties like anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory Tulsi is a natural remedy in treating common ailments, strengthening immunity, fighting bacterial, viral infections, treating various hair and skin disorders. It has even helped millions of people to boost their immunity, preventing the spread of infections, reducing stress, relief in cough, cold and aiding digestion. For many who suffer from asthma, high and low blood pressure, this herb has turned very much beneficial to them. Tulsi has an extraordinary power to reduce inflammation, to act as a natural mosquito repellent, controls acne, and help prevent deadly cancer.

There are three different types of Tulsi; Rama, Krishna, and Vana Tulsi. Each has a different appearance and possesses great benefits. Rama Tulsi, a green leaf plant that improves resistance to stress and normalizes blood pressure and blood sugar imbalances. Consuming Rama tulsi twice a day purifies the blood which prevents ulcers and infections in the mouth. Krishna Tulsi, a purple leaf plant cures malaria, indigestion, insomnia, cholera, throat infections, respiratory problems, earaches, and skin diseases. Vana Tulsi, a hairy green leaf plant increases immunity, enhances physical and mental endurance, and adds more oxygen and nutrients to our bloodstream.

This queen of herb boosts our body health in a variety of ways. It lowers our blood sugar, detoxifies the body, lowers down cholesterol levels, eases joint pains, and protects our stomach. For those who face seasonal flu, influenza, asthma, and fever, consuming Tulsi juice is quite beneficial.

By adding a small quantity of Tulsi to the diet, one can experience increased metabolic rate, boost in immunity, decrease uric acid levels, better absorption of nutrients, relief from varied health and lifestyle-related issues. Tulsi extracts is the main ingredient in healing and immunity-boosting medicines, it also boosts up the weight loss process. Tulsi has the ability to avoid kidney stones and cancer centric to the skin, lungs, liver, and oral care. Those who regularly consume Tulsi tea have experienced lesser depression symptoms, fights against negative vibes in the body, maintain stable blood sugar levels, promotes longevity and their body is calmer than those who don’t consume the tea

Today there are numerous ways to incorporate tulsi into our daily life. We can cook with it, take it as supplements, make tea using it, and nowadays essential oils are also available. There are two natural dietary supplements like Fentoso and Reditus, available in the market which contain rich content of Tulsi. These products are specially designed to strengthen inner healing, improve platelets counts and enhance a healthy life span.

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