Aneza Rippon
Aneza Rippon
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The value of communication and productivity

The need to communicate is an awesome way of sharing special moments. It creates energy, shapes information, and broadens one's perspective to other views in life.

This is what makes life meaningful. Learning to love, live, and share life with others, and without communication, understanding, and comprehending how to invest one's love, resources, and time in a person, that relationship becomes to a point meaningless. Being a giver is a very important part of our daily lives, and we should enjoy its fullness. It is also important to have a servant's heart, creativity, and the ability to remind a team of past victories when things look bleak so that when the breakthroughs come, they do not debilitate other team members working in other areas to support the company's goals. In fact, the tales of eminent innovators conceal significant hints. It turns out that everyday "knowledge based" employees like "programmers, marketers, and scientists", whose jobs regularly call for inventive output, have more in common with great inventors than most managers think. The workplace incidents that stir up their feelings, motivate them, and influence how they perceive things are essentially the same.

The Double Helix, James Watson and Francis Crick's 1968 biography about figuring out the structure of DNA, chronicles the emotional roller coaster they went through while working on the project that eventually brought them the Nobel Prize.

Following the thrill of their initial attempt to construct a DNA model, Watson and Crick discovered some significant defects.

Our first few minutes with the models "were not joyful," according to Watson. "A shape began to emerge, which brought back our spirits" later that evening. However, they discovered that their model would not function when they demonstrated their "breakthrough" to colleagues.

Then came gloomy days of uncertainty and declining motivation. When the two eventually achieved a genuine breakthrough and their coworkers approved.

This is when the team made their real breakthrough, and their colleagues praised it, Watson wrote, "My morale skyrocketed, for I suspected that we now had the answer to the riddle." This accomplishment inspired Watson and Crick so much that they worked nonstop in the lab to finish their project.

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Human nature is predicated on the power of progress, and with it comes "healthy and ongoing communication," which helps create and support a mindset of victory within if we watch what we take in, anchor in, and leverage mentally from. Yet few managers know this, yet don't apply it as they are not 'fully' aware of the magnitude of this or know how to use progress to increase motivation. In actuality, there has long been controversy around work motivation. We discovered that some managers considered praise for excellent performance the most crucial factor in motivating employees, while others placed greater emphasis on material rewards. Others emphasized the importance of interpersonal support, while still others believed that setting clear goals was the solution. It's interesting that so few of the managers we surveyed gave progress top priority. In one of Harvard Business Review's articles titled "A Surprise for Managers," we learn how many actually did not know this very fact. (

The Latin term communicare, meaning to share or make common, is the origin of the English word "communication" (Weekley, 1967). According to Pearson and Nelson (2000), communication is the process of comprehending and exchanging meaning.

The relationship that incorporates participant contact is at the heart of our investigation into communication. With its emphasis on the procedure for efficiently understanding and sharing another person's point of view, which we'll explore in-depth throughout this text, this definition is helpful to us.

At the end of the day, machines can never replace the direct need for humans to contact each other, and as much as communication will improve, as much as productivity and accuracy in so many areas of commerce and industry and the medical sciences will improve, so shall the elevation of man learn the power of communication in a new way, but it can never replace the one-on-one connectivity man needs with each other.


Aneza A Rippon

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