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androshchuk run
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Traffic sources for arbitration - where to start

In order to attract a user and turn him from a potential client into a real one, it is necessary to choose the right advertising platform and format. There are many sources of target audience, but the success of an advertising campaign is in question if you get the placements wrong. Therefore, in this article I decided to understand what are the sources of traffic in arbitration and how to work with each of them correctly.

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Classification of sources in traffic arbitration

Traffic source is a platform on which a webmaster runs ads and receives an audience for offers. You can generate leads not only with paid advertising, but also with spam - mailings, messages, as well as organic promotion - high-quality development of profiles (for example, TikTok and Instagram) and properly constructed SEO optimization of the site.

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Thus, you can attract users in different ways:

  • paid advertising
  • spam
  • organic

Each method, in turn, is divided into small branches depending on the type of offers, method of work, placements and other parameters.

All traffic sources are conditionally divided into two categories:

  • classic - used by a large number of webmasters, targetologists and businesses
  • alternative (non-standard) - used much less often, but have a huge base of working arbitrators and traffic

Classic sources include those most often used for advertising. They usually fall into one of two customer acquisition categories:

  • targeted advertising
  • contextual advertising

Alternatives include:

  • push traffic
  • teaser networks
  • clickander, popander networks
  • Twitter
  • mailings, spam
  • TikTok (target + organic)
  • SEO promotion of sites

Targeted advertising in arbitration

Targeted advertising is a method of attracting a target audience on the basis of compiling its portrait - gender, approximate age, interests, geo - and entering this data into the parameters of advertising settings. All information is kindly provided to advertisers by large traffic aggregators, primarily social networks. These are Facebook (Instagram), Reddit and other great resources. There is no specific figure, but each source can provide from 50 million users. At the same time, pushes have no less traffic, but are usually considered alternative.

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Targeted advertising has a huge advantage over any other type of engagement, because it offers the most targeted audience - the target specialist can even choose the operating system of the device. The main parameters of targeting:

  • location
  • age
  • sex
  • interests
  • place of study, work,
  • marital status, presence of children, education
  • date of birth
  • travelers (people who rarely visit a particular place)
  • operating system (Android, Iphone, Windows, etc.)
  • device brand

Contextual advertising in traffic arbitrage

Contextual advertising is a method of engaging users based on their short- and long-term queries. For example, showing ads only in places that match the theme of your campaign. The main contextual network is Google Ads.

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Google Ads offers the following ad placements:

  • search - your ads will be shown in the search engine output for queries that match the topic of the ad
  • sites — your ads will be shown on sites connected to these contextual networks and relevant advertising topics

In addition, Google Ads allows you to place ads in applications and on YouTube. In this case, current (request right now) and long-term (requests made in the past) interests are also taken into account.

For contextual advertising, the most important role is played by keywords - queries that users use to find solutions to their questions. Requests are classified according to several parameters.

By frequency:

  • high frequency
  • medium frequency
  • low frequency

From top to bottom, the competition and the price for ice is decreasing, as is the amount of traffic. The fewer users use a specific request, the easier and cheaper it is to capture a niche. But the most active, popular and profitable keys still belong to the first two categories.

Accordingly, the competition classification looks like:

  • highly competitive
  • medium competitive
  • low competitive

Another important classification is material. By its content:

  • commercial - imply the purchase of a product or service by a client
  • non-commercial - refers to the search for information not related to a purchase

However, non-commercial requests can be used as medium frequency and low competition.

Pushy in traffic arbitration

A push ad is a small piece of advertising material consisting of a small image, a headline, and a short text. It usually pops up in the lower right corner on the PC or as a notification on the user's smartphone.

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When entering the site, the user often comes across an offer to "allow access to messages and send useful updates on the site." By agreeing to this, the reader allows the site to send messages to his device. Of course, 99% of them will not contain information about the site, but advertising, because the owner of the resource has connected the site to the push network. The network pays the owner for each view or click on the advertisement sent on behalf of his site (but the user does not know which site is responsible for this message).

At the same time as resource owners, webmasters use push networks as a source of traffic. They buy advertising (which, by the way, is not that expensive) and get the opportunity to send messages with the images and content they want, as well as their own affiliate link to the offer. The disadvantages of push ads include the limitation of targeting settings: the closest option is geo. Others (time, device, provider, browser language) are not as useful as age, gender and interests. Nevertheless, pushy is actively used when ebbing on gambling, betting, crypt, dating and other verticals.

Teaser networks in traffic arbitrage

Teaser networks are a common type of ad consisting of an image and very little text. Teasers can be found on various sites, but they are especially vividly presented on resources connected to teaser networks.

Usually, sites with teasers advertise frank slag - earnings without investments, weight loss, etc. It is not difficult to guess who the target audience is - more often they are women and men in their 40s. Teasers can often be found on news sites, as well as on some article sites. Teaser traffic is inexpensive but has no targeting options.

Clickanders and popanders in traffic arbitrage

Clickander and popander is a special script. The code fragment is inserted into the site structure. User when entering the page with:

  • clickander - can view and scroll through the resource, but when clicking anywhere on the site, it will go to a new page unrelated to the original site. The site seems to become an invisible button
  • popander can browse, flip through the resource and click on any part of the site, but at the moment of opening this site, an additional window with advertising material will also open. The window can float above or behind the desktop.

Very often, a certain number of clicks is set on the clickander, and the user will be able to study the necessary site only after viewing all advertisements. Formats cause user aggression, which often reduces conversion. Popander with an opening behind the working window does not cause so much outrage, but it cannot be said that it is more optimal. For example, when going to a site with a match broadcast, the user does not think about placing a bet. And if a betting window pops up in front of him, he may have a sense of excitement. If the window pops up behind the desired one, the viewer will see it only after the end of the match, when there is nothing to bet on. In both cases, it can be one large or several medium banners, as well as a landing page or site with teasers.

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Sources are used to drain bookmakers, casinos, nutra, binary options, dating and some product offers. Since clickanders and popanders also have very few parameters, it is worth playing from the theme of the sites (for example, PR betting offices on sports sites) and pouring on a wide audience (offers that are of interest to a large number of users).

TikTok is in traffic arbitrage

The social network shot up in 2020 and is already competing with Facebook in the amount of traffic. With over a billion unique viewers every month from around the world, the short-form video app has made waves across the planet and quickly caught the attention of advertisers.

There are several options for earning:

  • targeted advertising. Launching a target on TikTok is many times easier than on Facebook. Moderation is easier, but there are nuances.
  • own channel Having developed an account and learned how to get into recommendations, you can later embed advertising integrations into videos, launch promos and collaborations. In addition, you can insert an active clickable link in the profile description. This option is actively used by webmasters.
  • buying ads from bloggers. It is very cheap compared to other resources (thus Instagram).

SEO in traffic arbitrage

SEO is a set of measures to promote the site to the top of search results. The higher the site, the more traffic it will receive.

The main search engines - Google, Yahoo, Bing - have different requirements. In general, they are all interested in promoting the
highest quality sites, with lots of quality media, structured content, etc. But there are many differences in the details. Therefore, to begin with, it is worth deciding on a search engine that will be the main source.

Mailings in traffic arbitration

We are talking about e-mails - they are used by both companies and single webmasters. The letter can contain a call to action, an advertisement of an offer or informative material about the activities of the company, the site to increase engagement.

In addition, many services themselves provide databases for specific services. If not, they can be easily bought, but you should be prepared for the aging of the bases. You can also collect your database through forms on the website or landing page. Usually, advertising of "gray" offers is prohibited, so webmasters use their own mailing services. "White" topics are easily moderated.

Telegram in traffic arbitrage

The messenger has already crossed the mark of 1 billion users, and perhaps soon there will be an advertising platform. So far, channels and chats are developing by directly buying promo posts from the owners. Many resource owners are actively pouring traffic into various offers of activity-related channels.

Also, Telegram is a great place for spam. The idea of collecting (parsing) nicknames of chat participants and then manually or using services to send them messages is still actively used and brings profit, as well as new subscribers for personal resources.

Free traffic from Instagram

In addition to targeting, social networks allow you to attract users in other ways.

  • hitting the recommendation feed
  • account promotion and withdrawal for the desired offer

Each method has its own characteristics and, with the right approach, consistently brings profit.

Twitter in traffic arbitrage

The monthly audience of Twitter is 0.5 billion users from all over the world, and about 125 million visit it every day. You can advertise on the social network in two ways:

  • paid through target. To do this, you need to register through Business Twitter
  • for free through mentions, comments, reposts, etc.

Target offers segmentation by geo, age, gender, language, device type. This is quite enough to launch a full-fledged campaign. In a similar way, companies are advertised, clients are attracted to purchase goods, services, courses. Manual moderation ensures that prohibited topics are not launched in the social network.

There is a lot of free traffic on Twitter, and it can be used in many ways. It's mainly a drain on trending products, as well as dating and adult sites - Twitter is one of the main sources of traffic for the popular resource "OnlyFans", because it allows you to publish candid materials.

To grow your account for free:

  • create a personal brand - name, profile description, author's style
  • provoke, come into contact with society and public figures
  • use tags and the most mentioned words

The social network has a profile — a place to add active links. You can insert a link to an offer here.

There are quite a lot of sources of traffic for arbitration, and in order to understand where it is more convenient to work, you will have to try everything. I recommend starting with classic resources — large social networks, understand the mechanics of work, and then test less convenient placements. Constant tests are the key to success.

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androshchuk run
My blog about running and marketing: