Andre Fagundas
Andre Fagundas
Read 4 minutes

Differences in Promotion and Motivation: OnlyFans vs. FriendsOnly

There are numerous platforms and services available for monetizing adult content, each with its own unique characteristics. In this comparison, we'll explore the distinctions between OnlyFans, one of the most popular platforms, and FriendsOnly, a newer alternative that sets itself apart from its counterparts.

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About OnlyFans

OnlyFans gained worldwide recognition in 2020 during the pandemic as the most successful adult content monetization service. With the quarantine pushing people to explore online money-making alternatives, this social network garnered significant attention from porn stars, content creators, aspiring authors, viewers of all ages and nationalities, as well as the media and the general public.

Ordinary individuals started earning thousands of dollars by sharing explicit content, while prominent figures from the sex industry raked in tens of thousands of dollars. Subsequently, celebrities flocked to OnlyFans, leaving other bloggers with minimal chances of being featured in the recommendations section.

Given the intense competition and the absence of advertising tools on the platform, gaining subscribers and earning a sufficient income becomes incredibly challenging. It requires diligent work and investment in marketing. If you aspire to be noticed, gain subscribers, and maintain long-term viewership, considerable effort is necessary.

About FriendsOnly

FriendsOnly represents a progressive alternative to OnlyFans, serving as a creative community that began to flourish after Russian and Belarusian OnlyFans model accounts were blocked. Its main distinction from OnlyFans lies in offering equal promotion and monetization opportunities to everyone, including newcomers. All free posts from FriendsOnly authors are displayed in the general feed on the main page, similar to the approach employed by TikTok. The more frequently you post, the more visibility your content receives, increasing your chances of gaining subscribers. Additionally, the more captivating your content, the higher the likelihood of reaching the top.

FriendsOnly promotes bloggers organically and without charge, ensuring fair compensation for their work. The platform's mission is to motivate authors to create high-quality and unique content, fostering a creative community of exceptional authors and dedicated viewers.

Promotion and Motivation

OnlyFans OnlyFans does not feature beginners or even experienced but non-celebrity bloggers on its main page; this privilege is reserved for celebrities. Within the platform, self-promotion is impossible. To advertise exclusive content, users must create an additional OnlyFans account. This account contains free teaser posts with blurred photos and videos, which are revealed after a user subscribes.

However, how does one attract an audience to this promotional page? Unfortunately, there is no built-in mechanism for audience engagement within OnlyFans. Sharing the OnlyFans account on other social networks becomes essential, primarily among an existing base of followers. The process typically involves promoting one's Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, or Facebook accounts and then inviting fans to subscribe to the OnlyFans account.

Therefore, you must share your OnlyFans link with your followers and encourage them to join the new platform. This strategy works well for already popular bloggers with a substantial following. However, if you lack significant fame, finding people to invite becomes challenging. Moreover, even Instagram stars may not wish to share their exclusive content with loyal followers interested in different topics. As a result, they are compelled to create separate, private accounts and re-promote themselves until they attract a sufficient number of fans interested in OnlyFans content (and willing to pay for it).

Promotion and Motivation

FriendsOnly The interface and operating principles of FriendsOnly resemble those of TikTok. On this platform, only vertical videos, the most captivating and addictive format for viewers, can be published. All free posts from any blogger, regardless of their experience or number of subscribers, appear on the main page from the very first post. A sophisticated algorithm recognizes unique content and showcases it as recommendations. Users can then explore the author's page and view both paid and free posts within a single account. Paid posts are initially blurred and are only revealed after a subscription. There is no need to create additional pages or accounts on other social networks for promotion purposes.

FriendsOnly developers have integrated statistics into the author's account, allowing them to receive and analyze feedback on the content that resonates most with their audience. The platform also offers an affiliate program where authors can collaborate with affiliates who assist in attracting subscribers in exchange for a percentage of the earnings. Additionally, a referral program is available, providing bloggers with 5% of the earnings generated by each newly invited author. This passive income remains with the inviting author indefinitely.

Moreover, FriendsOnly creators can establish a free trial period for viewing private posts. Potential subscribers receive 24 or 72 hours of access to test the content before deciding whether to pay for a month of exclusivity or not. The blogger's task is to create compelling content of sufficient quality to entice viewers to stay (for a fee).

Lastly, FriendsOnly offers rewards for achieving specific milestones. Authors receive gifts upon reaching certain subscriber counts, including:

  • 7,000 subscribers: iPhone 12 Pro Max 512 GB
  • 27,000 subscribers: A trip to Bali
  • 247,000 subscribers: Mercedes-Benz C-Class

Overall, FriendsOnly provides a supportive environment, actively promoting its authors and incentivizing them to produce exceptional content. With its unique features and transparent approach, FriendsOnly aims to establish a creative community where both authors and viewers can thrive.

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