ak khan
ak khan
Ler 1 minuto

Socles App, Social Circle - Exclusive Social Network

If you are looking for Socles App then you are at the perfect place.

Socl.es is an Exclusive Social Network to find your new Social Circles based on common grounds.

At Socles, we want to bring people closer together. Whatever your interests and wherever you come from, we give you access to meet and connect with anyone you could relate to. We give you a place to interact, build meaningful connections, and share your stories with your circle. Socles are just the start of the bright future we should have, so take a deep breath, and enjoy your journey with Socles.

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Find your Perfect Matched Social Circle:

  • Circle of Five
  • Curated Community
  • Daily Picks
  • Fun Activities Together

Hand-picked circle based on your University, Location, and common grounds. Our membership committee checks for Red flags so you don’t have to.

So, are you Ready to build high-quality connections? Socles App Early Access is finally open.

For more information regarding Socles visit our site: https://socl.es/

1 visão
ak khan