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Ibrahim Murat gündüz | muratgunduzofficial | Gallery

If you are looking for pictures of Ibrahim Murat gündüz then you are at the perfect place. Here you will get a full gallery with all the old and latest pictures of Ibrahim Murat gündüz

Our training continues without interruption with our teacher Şahin Eroğlu, who raises champions.

Murat Gunduz Helping Ukrainian Athletes

Murat Gündüz, one of the important names of Muaythai and boxing sports in Turkey, National team trainer Şahin Eroğlu coach, boxing national team trainer Oktay Çiçek coach, and Hülya Duru Gündüz, a young but big name athlete of the boxing world.

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Contact Here:

Our Training Hall

19 May Sports Complex, Boxing Training Hall. Anafartalar, Cumhuriyet Caddesi 06050 Altindag/Ankara


+90 532 152 24 40

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