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An Overview of a High Performance Butterfly Valves

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Butterfly valves are crucial machines in any piping or food industry. This article will give you a brief overview of a butterfly valve.

What are Butterfly Valves?

A butterfly valve is a type of quarter-turn valve used in heavy industries to regulate the flow of liquids in a pipeline. This type of valve comes with a rotating disc placed perpendicular to the cross-section of a pipeline. Therefore, the disc rotates at 90 degrees, i.e. perpendicularly, to allow the easy unobstructed flow of liquid and gases. An external actuating mechanism controls the rotary disc through the stem attached to it. Moreover, its construction is relatively simple and can be operated manually and through automated means.

Butterfly valves, also called zero leak valves, can obstruct a 100% flow of fluids and gaseous matter.


Butterfly valves are made of simple components. There you have to be very careful while buying a butterfly valve. Check all the parts thoroughly and then buy.

  1. Valve body
  2. Disc
  3. Seat
  4. Seal
  5. Stem


Butterfly valves are classified into different categories based on their actuation types, connection and closure designs of rotational discs:

  1. Closure design Concentric Butterfly Valve
  2. Eccentric Butterfly Valve
  3. Single-Offset
  4. Double Offset
  5. Triple Offset
  • Piping Connection
  1. Lug type
  2. Wafer Type
  3. Flanged Butterfly Valve
  4. Butt-welded Butterfly Valves for high-pressure applications
  • Operation method
  1. Manual Actuation
    Lever Operated
    Gear Operated
  2. Automatic Actuation
  3. Electric
  • Pneumatic
  • Hydraulic
  • Seat Material
  1. Soft Seated
  2. Metal Seated


Butterfly valves are mainly used in large-scale industries. Here are some of the applications of butterfly valves in the following points:

  • Oil refinery

High-performance butterfly valves are commonly used in refineries for their durability and ‘fire-safe’ features that come with a steel body. They keep the bubble tight and reduce the chances of accidents.

  • Food processing

White seat butterfly valves are the best choice in the food processing industry. The sole purpose of applying these valves in food industries is to retain the quality of the liquids. They maintain complete sanitization to avoid complications.

  • Shipbuilding yard

Shipbuilding yards require valves that are resistant to saline water. Butterfly valves fit the criterion perfectly where ABS-approved materials are used. Moreover, due to their smaller size, they fit perfectly in the ship and are used for ‘jack up’ rigs, ballast systems, ship side and many other applications.


Butterfly valves are widely used in different heavy-scale industries for their widely known advantages:

  • Compact

Butterfly valves are compact in shape and constructed so that they do not require extra charges for assembling each part. Moreover, high performance butterfly valves offer more extended durability.

  • Lightweight

One of the most significant advantages of butterfly valves is that they are not heavy. You can quickly move them according to your preferences.

  • Easy Installation

Since it comes with a compact shape and is comparatively lighter, one does not face much hassle installing a butterfly valve in their factories.

  • Budget-Friendly

Butterfly valves save you money in many ways. First, they have a simple working principle; hence, the machine itself is simple. Therefore, the device is cheap. Moreover, because of its easy installation feature, it reduces your extra labour charges.

  • Easy Maintenance

Since its operational method is simple, it only requires a little attention for its regular maintenance. Its economic design only needs a few parts and hence no headache for high maintenance. Moreover, pre-insulated butterfly valves reduce further complications like condensation and smoke emission.

  • Quick Action

A simple machine may take a longer time to initiate its function. Contrary to that, pre-insulated butterfly valves are quick in their action proving their high-rated efficiency in maintaining the flow through the pipeline.


To summarize, zero leak valves are beneficial and profitable machines in large-scale industries.

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