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A brief guide on dressing up for fraternity formal

Celebrating your fraternity formal is an integral aspect of Greek life on the majority of campuses. They provide you with the chance to mingle with your peers, people from other frat houses and sororities, and so on. However, many guys face difficulties in finding the right things to wear at such events. To make the process easier, you can simply stick to good old Fraternity Formal Wear and opt for the classics. While that lime green tux may seem like a good idea when you and your buddies are at the tux rental shop, if you are preparing for the fraternity formal, it is better to go for the traditional dark suit or black-tie duds that fit properly. A dark suit would look impeccable when you pair it with accessories featuring Sigma Fraternity colours of royal blue and pure white. You can easily find accessories like ties, bow ties, pocket squares and more featuring these fraternity colours.

If you still do not feel too comfortable, then you can always ask your fraternity brothers what they are wearing to the fraternity formal, and dress accordingly. For some added assurance, follow the trend of your fraternity brothers or campus when it comes to formals. Every fraternity formal may follow a little different dress code, hence, asking about it beforehand would be important to as well as on the safe side. On the whole, you can never go too wrong with a dark suit, crisp white shirt, and classic tie paired with a tie bar. For a twist on that look, you can always try a bow tie and cuff links featuring your fraternity symbols. To there are many companies that sell fraternity themed accessories online. These items can make great Crossing Gifts as well.

If you are planning to rent an outfit for your fraternity formal, you must know what exactly to ask for. The classic tuxedo ensemble should include a black jacket and pants, white pleated shirt, black bow tie, black or white suspenders, a cummerbund, patent lace-up shoes, a white pocket square, as well as black silk socks and nice shoes. Rember that fraternity formals are not the time to wear your favourite sneakers.
