Subhash Gupta
Subhash Gupta
Lis 2 minutes

Liver Transplantation as a treatment option for Cirrhosis

Cirrhosis is the endpoint in patients who have chronic progressive liver disease. Liver transplant is among the most important options for Cirrhosis CLD Treatment. Patients with abnormal liver function who develop renal impairment, hepatic encephalopathy, ascites or variceal hemorrhage are considered to have end-stage liver disease (ESLD) and may require a liver transplant.

What causes cirrhosis?

If a certain substance or disease attacks and damages the liver, the cells of the organ can die and form scar tissue. This scarring process is known as fibrosis. This process happens gradually, over a span of several years. If the major part of the liver gets scarred, it can shrink and get hard, causing cirrhosis. This damage is typically irreversible. Any illness that affects the liver over a long period of time may lead to fibrosis and ultimately cause cirrhosis. There can be several causes for this condition, including heavy drinking, viruses, and a buildup of fat in the liver. If Alcoholic fatty liver disease treatment is not done in time, and the patient continues with alcohol consumption, then they can develop cirrhosis over time. Obesity is also becoming a common cause of cirrhosis, either as the sole cause or in combination with alcohol, hepatitis C, or both.

Liver Transplantation

A liver transplant is a surgical procedure that involves replacing a damaged or diseased liver with a healthy liver from a donor. A liver transplant is generally considered when cirrhosis reaches an advanced stage and other treatment options can no longer provide sufficient relief or improvement.

As liver is the only organ in the body that have the capacity to regenerate, or grow back, a transplanted segment of a liver can grow to normal size within just a few months. In most cases, transplanted liver come from people who were registered donors who passed away. However, as the liver has such regenerative ability, it is possible for a living person to donate a portion of his or her liver to someone in need of a transplant.

Liver transplant can help restore vital liver functions like regulation of hormones, synthesis of proteins, detoxification, and more. With a functioning liver, complications associated with cirrhosis, such as ascites or fluid accumulation in the abdomen, hepatic encephalopathy (brain dysfunction, and coagulation disorders, may also improve or resolve. You can visit the website of the Best liver transplant hospital in Delhi to know more about this surgery.

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Subhash Gupta