stephen salvador
stephen salvador
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Beautiful Oaxaca at Just the Right Time

The ideal timing to go to Oaxaca is typically during the dry season from October to April. The rainy season runs between May and September. It could be a good time to go to Oaxaca to be away from crowds.

There's a lot of things to take into consideration in determining the best time to visit Oaxaca, Mexico. Oaxaca during the rainy seasons as tour costs are less expensive. A lot of popular tourist destinations will also be less packed.

If you're looking to go to Oaxaca to relax on the sun-kissed beaches. One among the top things to do when visiting Oaxaca. It is to take a look at visiting this lively state during the dry time. In this post, we'll dig into the specifics of the ideal times to travel Oaxaca. Let's dive into it!

Best time to

The ideal period to go to Oaxaca is between the months of October and April, when the area generally enjoys the most pleasant weather. Oaxaca is a state in the United States. Oaxaca has a low chance of rainfall during this time. Which means that all tourist destinations and beaches are in full swing and awash with activities.

Any time you decide to go to the state with a rich cultural heritage of Oaxaca is a great time. There are many delicious restaurants along with archaeological ruins. And salsa festivals that take place all year in Oaxaca regardless of the weather. Here's a rundown of the best time you should visit Oaxaca according to your personal preferences.

When is the best time to visit Oaxaca for a pleasant weather

It is not uncommon to have no rain during this time of year. Allowing visitors to explore the state with no restrictions. On these days, Oaxaca City usually falls in the 80s. However you'll require a jacket for night, when temperatures can fall to as low as 50 degrees.

Dry season is the ideal time to go to the beaches of Oaxaca such as Puerto Escondido and Mazunte, however, the humidity is greater during this time of year. While the daytime temperatures can be in the 80s, humidity levels can be as high as 80-100%..

When should you go to Oaxaca to get Cheap Prices

If you're planning to travel to Oaxaca, Mexico on a budget, then book your flights to oaxaca with lowest flight fares at low price. You must be careful not to travel during the holiday season which is when hotel prices typically triple. In the Oaxaca wet season happens to be the perfect season to go there at low costs.

You will not only save money on lodging during the dry months, but you'll also be able to save money on Oaxacan excursions and food in restaurants.

When is the best time to visit Oaxaca to enjoy Sunny Beach Days

Explore the beautiful Oaxaca Pacific Ocean beaches during the dry season that runs from October to April. This is the time when the state has the driest climate and taking an underwater dip is most appealing.

If you're looking to catch some of the most exciting waves Oaxaca offers I would suggest you visit from mid-January to early March, the best time to surf. Proficient surfers take to the waves at places like Mazunte, Zipolite, and San Augustin.

The dry season may not have the most enjoyable temperatures to enjoy the Oaxacan beaches However, it is possible to visit in the off-season to avoid the crowds on beaches. The entire sand gets packed with people on famous Oaxaca beaches during peak season, which adds to the attraction of visiting during the rainy season.

When is the best time to visit Oaxaca with Families, and Children

It's very easy to travel with children in Mexico because the majority of accommodation options are suitable for children. In the dry seasons, it is the most sought-after time for kids to travel to Oaxaca due to the fact that the weather is better during this time of year.

A few of the most popular activities you can take your children on are visiting the Monte Alban ruin, making an excursion towards Santa Maria del Tule to take in the world's largest tree and learning about craftsmanship within Oaxaca's textile museum. Oaxaca Textile Museum during the warm season of October to April.

When to Go to Oaxaca to avoid crowds

The rainy, unpopular months can be considered the ideal time to visit Oaxaca since you'll be able to see more tourist attractions without crowds, and enjoy expensive meals, and you'll save on lodging.

If you are planning to visit during the season of rain within Oaxaca, Mexico can be an experience that is either successful or not. Many tourists steer clear of this time of year to avoid unpleasant weather conditions, while other travellers only can take advantage of summer for holidays.

If you're searching for the best Oaxaca vacation without people, I would recommend travelling during the rainy season to places that are less well-known, such as San Jose del Pacifico and Teotitlan del Valle.

Oaxaca Travel Seasons


  • Beach Lounging - January to March is the perfect weather for relaxing along the beach sculpting your tan, and also learning to surf. Beaches that are popular include Puerto Escondido, Mazunte, Huatulco and Zipolite.
  • Mezcal Tasting Mezcal Tasting - While you may enjoy Oaxaca's most well-known drink in any season but it's best enjoyed coupled with a day on the beach or on an outdoor mezcal tour. Explore these mezcal tasting tours in Oaxaca to enjoy a memorable tasting experience in summer's dry seasons.
  • Hiking during the drying season offers the ideal opportunity to explore this Oaxacan countryside. Enjoy the mild weather and take a stroll along the trails of hiking that are in the countryside just outside of the city. One of my top trails within Oaxaca is Picacho which is located from Teotitlan del Valle. Although this hike is simple and straightforward to do, it's also one of the most exciting treks you can do in Mexico.


  • Feria of Mezcal Enjoy a week-long festival that highlights the significance of the drink. That is the national mezcal drink from Oaxaca, mezcal. The Feria del Mezcal is held in July, and features over 70 mezcal brands, and presents a wide array of live music.
  • Guelaguetza Festival - It is mandatory to take part in at least one event of a cultural nature during your stay travelling in Oaxaca, Mexico. This festival is an indigenous celebration which showcases folklore dances, traditional music and lots of mezcal tastings.
  • You should make sure you go to an establishment on the 16th of September to join in with the locals. The crowds are also large around the central square 15th to celebrate Independence Day with the governor's Grito de Dolores, a well-known, historic call which marked the start of the Mexican nation's freedom.

Climate and Weather

Oaxaca is located in a sub-tropical area. Oaxaca City is located in Southern Mexico and sits in an area of valley. That is surrounded by the Sierra Madre mountain range. The climate is generally enjoyable all year long provided you're not averse to the rainy summers. This region is among the coldest in December and February even though it's one of the more dry seasons.

Mountain Areas

Oaxacan mountains are temperate and sub-humid over 3,300 feet. The average temperature ranges from low to high 60s, and the rainy season (May-September) could drop lower. Make sure you are equipped with a jacket while travelling through Oaxaca. Oaxaca mountains, which is one of the Mexico essentials to pack.

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