S.T. Bonner
S.T. Bonner
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All you need to know about BLS Certification

Basic Life Support or BLS is a course that teaches the students or health care professionals how to save a life from a cardiac arrest in people of all ages. BLS certifications or courses are provided by various specialized institutions for BLS certification in Houston. The institution will teach you Basic life support skills through their practical exposures that include the techniques like effective chest compressions, use of a bag-mask device, use of an AED; Recognition, and early management of respiratory and cardiac arrest.

The BLS course trains participants to promptly recognize several life-threatening emergencies, give high-quality chest compressions, deliver appropriate ventilations and provide early use of an AED reflects science and education from the American Heart Association Guidelines Update for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC).

The BLS certifications in Houston are designed for healthcare professionals and other personnel who need to know how to perform CPR and other basic cardiovascular life support skills in a wide variety of in-facility and prehospital settings.

Institute issues the BLS cards that stand valid for up to 2 years and afterward you can apply to get a renewal. After the course completion, students can start careers as Basic Life Support practitioners. After the completion of the program, practitioners can join the school, college, hospital, old age home or start career as a trainer. Basic life support courses cover the techniques through theoretical and practical classes related to CPR and AED to treat or give the first medical attention in and out of a hospital environment.

BLS certification from Houston will teach you the techniques to deal with heart attack, sudden choking, water drowning, bleeding, and delivering a baby. This exposure comes as the first medical attention to the patient and it saves the life of the people before the medical attention is provided.

With a BLS course, valid for 2 years, you learn:

  • High-Quality CPR for infants, children, and adults
  • The BLS components of the AHA chain of survival.
  • The important and essential use of Automated External Defibrillator(AED).
  • Importance of teams and teams’ performance during multi rescuer resuscitation.
  • Effective ventilation for Adults and Child Bag-Mask Technique and Rescue Breathing.
  • How to provide relief in choking conditions in infants and adults.
  • General Primary First-Aid techniques.
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S.T. Bonner