James Falknur
James Falknur
Leer 3 minutos

Why December Is Called The Best Month To Perform Umrah

Umrah is an Arabic word that means "to go to a place with people." Umrah is a trip to the house of Allah that Muslims can take any time of the year.

Both Hajj and Umrah are spiritually deep journeys. Even though these trips have different goals and results. Hajj is a religious duty for every Muslim who is physically, financially, and mentally able to do it. Umrah, on the other hand, is a voluntary pilgrimage that Muslims do out of love and devotion for Allah.

Most Muslims choose to combine Hajj and Umrah. By the way, the most important time to do Umrah is during the month of Ramadan. This is because Umrah is much more important during Ramadan than in any other month.

Sayings of the Holy Prophet:

"When Ramadan comes, go to 'Umrah, because 'Umrah in Ramadan is the same as coming with me to Hajj."

If you want to do Umrah this year, you should know that Ramadan is almost here, and it will be hard for you to do Umrah in Ramadan at this point. If you ask me, I'd say to go with the Umrah Packages in December or wait until next year if you want to do this in Ramadan. Not sure why it's December? Here are some reasons why you might want to choose Umrah Packages 2023 in December.

The weather of Saudia Arabia

Saudi Arabia is hot for a good part of the year. Winter will start again in December and January, after 9 months. It's a good idea for Muslims who aren't used to living in hot places, and this statement is for Muslims who live in Europe.

Umrah should be done in December because it is the best time. The winter in Saudi Arabia is different from the winter in Europe. It's not like it's going to snow everywhere and the water you throw away will freeze. Even at night, the temperature rarely goes below 0 ° C.

No Hassle

You must have seen some videos of the pilgrims kissing the black stone, right? (al-Hajar al-Aswad). If you go on a trip in December, you won't have to deal with all of this trouble. December is easy, and you can do all your rituals without much trouble.

You may have noticed that people often wish they had spent more time in holy places. If they took this trip in December, they might not feel as bad about it. The thing is that it's not too busy right now.


In December, hotel prices aren't too high. You can get a room that is comfortable and has a nice view for a fair price. Think for a minute about how great it will be to see "House of God" from the window of your bathroom. Is there a more impressive sight than that?

So this is it. I hope I've convinced you enough to do Umrah in December 2023. The weather will be nice, there won't be any trouble, and the prices aren't too high.

Of course, you can't do Umrah any other time than during Ramadan, but this is a great second choice. In December, hotel rates aren't too high. You can get a room that is comfortable and has a great view for a fair price. Imagine being able to see the House of Allah from your window. Is there a more beautiful sight?

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