James Falknur
James Falknur
Ler 2 minutos

Difference between Shifting and Non-Shifting Hajj Packages

What is Hajj?

Pilgrimage is a journey to Allah's house that everyone who is able to make should make for Allah's sake. (2:196)

Based on this verse, it is only required of people who can pay for the whole Hajj Package.

Hajj is one of the five main parts of Islam, but not all Muslims have to do it. Islam is built on five main ideas, or pillars. They are called Shahada (Faith), Salah (Prayer), Zakat (Charity), Sawm (Fasting), and Hajj, in that order (Pilgrimage to Makkah). So, Hajj is something that every Muslim in the world wants to do. It runs from the 8th to the 12th of the last month on the Islamic lunar calendar, Dahul Hijja.

Over 2 million Muslims from all over the world come to Makkah for the Hajj because it is the best time for everyone to ask Allah for forgiveness, wash away their sins, and start over (newborn). If you're one of the lucky Muslims who will go on Hajj, it's your job to find the best Hajj package for yourself or your family. There are two kinds of packages: those that change and those that don't.

Shifting Hajj Package:

In this package, the Hajjis are always moved from one apartment to another, giving them a place to stay away from Haram during the most important days of Hajj and then bringing them closer to Haram when Hajj days are over.

For instance:

The first people to go on Hajj leave from the UK. When they get to Jeddah, they are moved to Al-Aziziya apartments in Makkah's suburbs. You can get ready for Hajj by going to workshops and training classes at the Aziziya apartment. Hajjis stay in Al-Aziziya for 5–6 days and take a shuttle to Haram. On the seventh day of Hajj, the group moves to Mina, where they stay for five days. When the Hajj is over, people go back to their apartments and stay there for three more days.

Then, they are moved to hotels near Haram, where they stay for the number of days given to their group. After that, most of them go to Madina.

Non-Shifting Hajj Package:

In this Cheap Hajj Package, Hajjis are always kept in one place near the Haram in Makkah and Madina.

For instance:

After getting to Jeddah, Hajjis are taken to a hotel close to Haram in Makkah. They will stay in these hotels until the seventh or eighth of Dahul Hijja, when they will leave for Hajj. After Hajj, they go back to the same hotel where they stayed before.

The residence is always open to Hajjis, and they can still get rooms even when they are on Hajj. After Hajj, people stay in the hotel for another two or three days. They then go to Madina and then back home.

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