Emma Kerr
Emma Kerr
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Healing Meditation: Open Your Mind’s Ability for Health

I can help you if you are having a stressful day, if you feeling pressured or if you want to reduce pressure. Self Healing Meditation sessions are intended to help you change for the better on the emotional and mental level. The essence of this kind of meditation makes it possible for you to lose negative ideas lingering in your mind, treating emotional injuries, and achieve clarity. Our sessions involve the practical application of finding the self, grounding and practising calm and are facilitated by seasoned practitioners. Healing meditation isn’t about faking it till you make it for a few minutes—and it’s certainly not a one-time process, it offers individuals lasting catharsis and character development. What you will gain will be useful skills that you can bring into your everyday life so that you can face stress, anxiety and pain effectively. Experience how meditation can give out remedial change at the mental, emotional and probably the spiritual level. Find back the serenity that you deserve with us.

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Emma Kerr