27 статей
David Jones
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Intent Data in the Age of Data Regulation
Since the implementation of the Data Protection Act in 2018, the approach behind the use of data has changed dramatically. Our clients and customers not only want a great experience, but also to be able to trust us. And that makes perfect sense in the present times.0 відповідей
David Jones
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How to Generate More B2B Leads Through Multichannel Marketing
Sales teams trying to increase their leadership role can focus on inbound lead generation, outbound marketing, or both. Needless to say, the ultimate goal of most marketing efforts is to get people to land on your landing page and generate potential customers for your business.0 відповідей
David Jones
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What Should be the strategy for increasing Brand visibility ?
Each brand works hard to attract attention and grab the attention of a potential buyer with unique SEO tactics. Due to the proliferation of digital platforms working on global seamless integration, it has become necessary to develop a brand visibility strategy and communicate the brand to customers.0 відповідей
David Jones
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How AI is useful in B2B Marketing ?
We are never surprised to think about the extent to which technology contributes to the marketing sphere and how it steered the ship to a place where we exist today. And among the many contributions is Artificial Intelligence, which is still in its infancy but is nonetheless huge.0 відповідей
David Jones
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Best 5 Checklist For B2B Lead Gen Companies
There is a lot of mediocrity in lead production - both in-house and outsourced. However, there are many things to do with well-funded operations, and leading-generation companies are also performing well. Although lead generation technique is not brain surgery, there are plenty of moving parts in a well-managed lead generation strategy. Failure to perform and arrange all moving parts may result in poor results.0 відповідей