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Captivate Plumbing Google
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Easy Ways to Clear Blocked Drains at Home

If you’re still having trouble unblocking the drain, there are some additional tips you can try. For example, pouring a pot of boiling water down the drain can help loosen up any gunk that may be stuck in the pipes. You can also try running a plumber’s snake down the drain to break up any clogs.

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can also try mixing your baking soda with vinegar and pouring it down the drain. The reaction between the two ingredients will create carbon dioxide, which is thought to help push out any blockage. However, this doesn’t always work, so it might be best to leave this step to a plumbing professional Brisbane.

Finally, no matter what method you use, it’s important to wait at least an hour after unblocking the drain before using it again to make sure everything is cleared out properly. For more about Emergency Drain Cleaning Brisbane visit here!

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