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How to make balloon arch stand at home

Are you looking for a fun and easy way to make your home more festive? Look no further than a balloon arch stand! Balloon arches are great for adding some color and pizzazz to any special occasion, from birthdays to anniversaries. Plus, they’re surprisingly simple to create at home with just a few supplies. Here’s how:

1. Gather your supplies – You will need balloons (in whatever colors you like), string or ribbon, scissors, tape or glue dots/straws/sticks depending on the size of the arch you want. Don't forget helium if needed too!

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2. Blow up the balloons - If using helium filled ones then skip this step but if not blow them all up by mouth or use an air pump available in most stores. Tie each one off after blowing it up so that they don't deflate overnight before assembly day arrives.

Also read: How to Make Balloon Garland Without Strips

3. Assemble the frame - Use straws/sticks taped together in an arch shape as per desired size required for making balloon stand . Make sure that these are secure enough so that when inflated later on with helium filled balloons ,the structure doesn't collapse due its weight . This is very important !

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4. Attach strings & hang Balloons - Once frame is ready attach strings along entire length of it's circumference evenly spaced apart from each other . Now tie individual blown-up latex / foil balloons onto these strings securely using knots preferably double knotting them tightly against slipping out during inflation process which may follow next. Alternatively, you can also use Glue dots instead of tying knots however ensure their strong adhesion power else even slightest wind gust could take away our hard work!

5. Inflate Balloons & Hang Arch Stand: Finally time has come where we have reached last stage i-e inflating all those tied latex / foil balloons either manually by mouth blowing into them OR filling Helium gas inside each one carefully ensuring none slips out while doing this task.. After completion now hang our made Balloon Arch Stand anywhere indoors OR outdoors wherever required ... Voila !! We're done here.

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