Andrew Rihana
Andrew Rihana
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9) LEAFLET ACTIONS HOW TO SPREAD INFORMATION 5 A leaflet action is a very effective form of spreading information, since distribution at Czech Postal Service is 80% and the leaflets are in 70% cases read-through (out of 4.3 million of households in the Czech republic, 4 million obtained the leaflets, and out of 10.2 million people, 3.5 million people read thru the leaflet). A leaflet makes an impression to people because it is not about advertisement and offer of products, but it has a spiritual nature. The national leaflet action costs in year 1999 were 0,70 CZK per one black-and-white leaflet – recycled paper (out of that, 0.20 CZK was the distribution).


10) ADVERTISING There are lots of advertisement means, it depends mainly on money, for a free-of-charge advertisement is realized only exceptionally, and that is either using one’s own property, or using spiritual kiosks (or in some other way, exceptionally). In addition to money, the realization of advertisement depends also on one’s creativity, because not every form of advertisement is appropriate. It is necessary to thoroughly analyze how a given form or version addresses groups of people. This is because there are also (sometimes quite expensive) advertisements in existence which have a minimal efficiency (e.g., only a few people stop by and read the advertisement).

11) TELEPATHIC SPREADING Last but not least, the telepathic spreading of information of light takes place here, too, and it is in the form of an informational field which is radiated by a human into his/her surroundings at all times (the domino effect, the phenomenon of hundredth ape). Thanks to this, more and more people get informed subconsciously, much like in sleep.

12) SCHOOLING & TRAINING IN SLEEP At night, when the physical body is sleeping, our astral bodies are schooled in so called astral areas. Lot of people are in a contact with the Creator, with spiritual beings and the Cosmic people of the Forces of light. Some people themselves school (teach) their fellows within the scope of their spiritual mission – see The Spiritual Path. This is also why a number of people knows Ashtar Sheran (and his look) even if they are not consciously aware of those schoolings. From the above-mentioned forms of spreading, we differentiate the spreading to organizations (e.g., churches, army, state administration, educational system, health system, …). There are people who are specialized in this form of spreading. For this is one usually prepared and led by the Forces of light already several years in advance in this life (apart from previous incarnations) and now he is just harvesting all preparatory steps he has taken before. Especially specific is a mission of the Czech and Slovak President (or President of any other state), as they, understandably, are the major target of the Forces of darkness, and it is exactly here that the previous preparation and the personal choice prove and show whether and to what extent they (the Presidents) fulfill their mission. HOW TO SPREAD INFORMATION 6 Thanks to 14 years of intensive spreading of information from the Cosmic people – Angels of Heavens, the Czech and Slovak countries now have the greatest degree of knowledge and informedness on planet Earth.

This is related to mission of millions of people who embodied here. Some of these people are in childhood age and they will perform their mission either by preparing the second wave of evacuation or directly on New Earth in the fifth dimension. If someone thinks there will be recreation and no work, he is mistaken. There is no escape from this world; it is only a shift to BETTER CONDITIONS FOR THE SPIRITUAL WORK AND THE SPIRITUAL GROWTH either. Therefore, it is worth now to take a think of why am I here and whether I have a spiritual mission (= unselfish work for people in the fields of healing,

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