Andre Fagundas
Andre Fagundas
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Something new? About OnlyFans problems and alternative solution

In the beginning, fast OnlyFans success was possible for ordinary people and blogging newbies. Now, it is very hard to get into the recommendations section and find subscribers there. We'll explain here why OF became so complex. And also will tell you about the new and more efficient subscription platform.

OnlyFans is the most famous service for monetizing content, including 18+. The World's popularity hit the platform during the Corona pandemic in 2020. After celebrities started to join the site, it became very challenging for others to make good money there. Today, the OF TOP is the prerogative of world-famous persons and porn stars. For others, it is extremely tough to fight such competition.

OnlyFans now

OnlyFans’ earnings are more than 2 billion dollars - service takes 20% of the bloggers’ incomes. An average OnlyFans subscription is $5 -$50 monthly. The cornerstone of such funding is celebrities and porno stars with enormous packs of fans.

Here are some other numbers about Onlyfans for today:

  • users — over 170 million;
  • content makers — over 1,5 million;
  • profit of celebrities — $100,000 per month or more;
  • money of TOP bloggers — $151 per month.
  • around 500,000 new users daily.

The immense number of OF authors builds immense competition. Moreover, there are no organic algorithms for content promotion among the target audience. There's no general feed or any other presentation of different authors. On the main page, you can find only the short list of recommendations (with only celebrities, accordingly). Other models have no chance to be there - they have to look for potential subscribers on other platforms and websites.

The promotion in the frame of the OF service is impossible. That's a sad reality for newbies here - the ones with no "in-advance" fan base from other social nets. Because that's where the models take their OnlyFans subscribers. Only bloggers with millions of followers can start monetizing OF content quite quickly. They invite fans to the OF account through posts and sharing the link on other social media.

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Content beginners have to first develop their accounts on other platforms (TikTok and Instagram, mostly). After this, you can start telling your followers about the OF account. But it's not a fact that they will follow you to OnlyFans. That's a problem even for the TOP bloggers - because of the audience and interests differences of different sites. Normally, just a small part of the fan base goes to OnlyFans and pays for content there. So, you must collect too many in advance. So, a "small" part would be enough for good earnings.

Some OnlyFans troubles

Users can’t see the posts before the subscription - even the blurred ones. All that they see is your page design and profile description. Your profile photo and bio have to be attractive, detailed, qualified, and catchy. They are the business card - that must sell your content without showing it to potential subscribers.

On OnlyFans you can also post free, open content. The problem is - you can't post both types in one account - so that visitors can see at least something to understand somehow what's hidden behind the paywall. That's why many models create two accounts - the free and the paid one. On the free page, they publish the teasers for the paid content from the main, paid account. This way, they can show more to the user and raise their chances for subscriptions.

OnlyFans alternative: FriendsOnly

FriendsOnly is a progressive OnlyFans alternative: the main difference is the quick success and monetization opportunity for all the bloggers, including the beginners.

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This service equally promotes all the creators among audiences and guarantees good pay for good work. The main feature of the service is advanced promotion tools. Unlike OnlyFans, FO authors post free and paid content in the same profile. All the free videos of all authors are shown on the main page for all users (like on TikTok). The more you post — the higher your chance to be noticed by potential fans.

The best posts are chosen by the special smart algorithm for the recommendations section - no matter the experience or fan base amount. The aim is to motivate authors to do their work well. The mission is to build a creative community of unique and talented content makers.

The user can go from the general feed to the page of any author and see all the videos. The paid ones are blurred before the subscription. Creators can set up a trial mode. Thanks to this feature, visitors get temporary access to exclusive videos. FO content makers also have a cabinet with ad tools, stats and analytics, a personal manager, a referral program, and gifts for expanding the audience. There are withdrawals to bank accounts of any country available. No restrictions.

Sign up for OnlyFans or FriendsOnly?

Today, OnlyFans log-in makes sense for favored bloggers who want to increase their earnings. If you are a beginner, join FriendsOnly to get an audience and monetize your content from the start. After reaching success and a fan base on FriendsOnly, launch an OF account to boost your income.

7 Ansichten
Andre Fagundas